1 法人向け事業
We are mainly involved in interior design production for global fashion brands, production of art hotels, and regional development projects utilizing art in collaboration with local governments. We also produce, import, export, and distribute artworks utilizing our network of domestic and international artists. We also plan and operate menus for corporate VIPs. We can also produce visuals by famous artists.
※ 手掛けた案件を纏めたポートフォリオを用意しております。お気軽にお問合せ下さい。
For a portfolio of projects we have worked on, please contact us via our contact form.
02 個人向け事業
We offer art as interior design and artwork from an asset perspective.
03 アーティスト向け事業
アーティスト向けのプロツール塗料 STOKE を弊社に併設するアートサプライストア LQID にて販売しております。また、アーバンコンテンポラリーアーティストの世界進出サポートも行っております。
We manufacture STOKE professional tool paints for artists and sell them at our art supply store LQID. In addition, we support urban contemporary artists to expand their business to the world.